The City of Mt. Healthy contacted the Landbank in October 2018 to see if we could assist them in acquiring this property which had been vacant, blighted and abandoned for many years. The Landbank filed for expedited tax foreclosure via the Board of Revision process in May 2019 and was able to finally acquire it in March 2021. After transferring the property to the City of Mt. Healthy, HURC was contacted by their City Manager to see if we would rehab this property on their behalf. HURC acquired the property from the Mt. Healthy CIC in May 2021 and began a full gut rehab in late September of the same year.

Prior to the rehab’s completion, we were approached by an agent to see if we had any ranch houses for her buyer that needed to move from her current residence. We had previous contact with the buyer as they lived in a HURC house that they acquired via the $1 house program in 1987. The buyer was selling her home to a developer to make room for a larger development in Walnut Hills and needed to be released from a deed restriction that offered the HURC the right of first refusal if the house were to ever be sold. We released the restriction in order to not stand in the way of an important economic development opportunity. Upon viewing the partially completed home the buyer saw the potential and asked to place an offer prior to completion. Her statement was that she loved her first HURC house and wanted to continue her home ownership experience with another HURC home.  This home is a good reminder of the long-lasting impact HURC’s work has on people’s lives.